•托福或者雅思成绩 (GRE成绩可在导师要求下予以豁免).
•软件以及工具方面: MATLAB, SIMULINK, C/C++, DSP, Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, Machine learning, FPGA, dSPACE等。
•宽禁带半导体器件的分析或者设计经验 (碳化硅或者氮化镓器件)。
4、UTA 学校和位置介绍
德州大学阿灵顿分校是美国146所R1类别高级研究型大学之一(代表美国博士研究的最高类别高校)。UTA的工程学院在U.S. News 2023年最新榜单中位列全美第69名。UTA位于全美第四大都会区:达拉斯-沃思堡(DFW)都市圈。DFW是得克萨斯州北部最大的经济和文化中心。都会区的经济主要组成是银行,商业,通信,科技,能源以及医疗卫生等。截止到2022年,DFW是23家世界五百强企业的所在地。这使得DFW成为全美第四大世界五百强企业聚集区。世界著名的半导体和芯片领军企业【德州仪器的总部】距离UTA只有半小时车程,校企合作以及实习机会便利。
•博士生能够亲自主导先进的电力电子研发工作,与知名机构以及企业合作深入研究行业前沿的电动汽车和新能源装置优化及设计项目。•获得便利的在知名企业实习以及全职工作的大量机会,例如Texas Instruments, Siemens, ABB, STMicroelectronics, Samsung Electronics, Altium, Broadcom, Emerson, Panasonic, ZTE, Tektronix等等。
•鼓励在IEEE Transactions期刊或者行业知名会议发表论文,提供思路以及撰写方面的详细指导。
周力为教授担任德州大学阿灵顿分校电气工程系的助理教授。他于2014年和2017年在山东大学获得本科和硕士学位。周力为在2022年于哥伦比亚大学电气工程系取得博士学位。他的研究领域包括电力电子,先进的变换器控制技术,并网变换器的优化设计,新能源和电动汽车充电系统优化设计等。周力为教授目前为止在行业知名期刊和会议一共发表了50余篇研究论文。他拥有四项发明专利以及一本著作在国际著名的出版商Springer准备发表。周力为教授担任多个行业知名国际会议的组织以及主席工作,包括tutorial/short course chair in ITEC 2023, topic chair in ECCE 2023 and session chairs in ITEC 2022 and ITEC 2023等。他曾获得过多项行业荣誉,包括Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Applied Energy, MIT A+B 2022, Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2021 和 (merit based) Student Travel Grant at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2018等。
The power electronic system lab at the University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Electrical Engineering is accepting applications for multiple fully funded Ph.D. students for 2023 fall. The successful Ph.D. candidates will be working with Dr. Liwei Zhou in the open areas of power electronics.
2、Basic Qualifications
•A bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or the relevant fields upon admission.
•A related background in power electronics or power & energy systems.
•For admission details, please visit https://www.uta.edu/academics/schools-colleges/engineering/academics/phd/electrical
•TOEFL or IELTS scores (GRE can be waived by the supervisor).
3、Preferred Qualifications
•Experience with one or more of the following: MATLAB, SIMULINK, C/C++, DSP, Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, Machine learning, FPGA, dSPACE.
•Hand-on experiences in embedded system.
•Experience in wide band-gap device analysis and design (SiC or GaN).
•Experience in magnetic components design and optimization (inductor or transformer).
4、About UTA Engineering
The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) is classified among the 146 institutions of “R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity.” (Representing the highest level of the doctoral research universities in the US) The College of Engineering at UTA is ranked at 69 in the U.S. based on 2023 U.S. News. UTA is located at DFW metroplex which is the economic and cultural center of North Texas and the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the U.S. The metropolitan region’s economy, also referred to as Silicon Prairie, is primarily based on banking, commerce, insurance, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, medical research, transportation, and logistics. As of 2022, DFW is home to 23 Fortune 500 companies, the 4th-largest concentration of Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. UTA is near Texas Instruments headquarter which is the world leading and core company for power electronic development.
5、What You Can Get
•Plenty of internship and job opportunities at the world leading electronic companies, such as Texas Instruments, Siemens, ABB, STMicroelectronics, Samsung Electronics, Altium, Broadcom, Emerson, Panasonic, ZTE, Tektronix and so on.
•Publish research papers in the renowned IEEE Transactions journals and leading conferences as many as you want.
•Recommendation for academic job opportunities in renowned universities, national labs and industrial research centers.
•Provide ready-made experimental test bed, save the time cost of prototype design and tuning.
6、About the Supervisor
Dr. Liwei Zhou is a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Electrical Engineering. He received his bachelor and master’s degrees both from Shandong University in 2014 and 2017. He obtained his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University in 2022. His research interests include power electronics, advanced control technologies, grid-connected converters, renewable energy and EV charging systems optimal design. He has published about 50 papers in the leading journals and conferences of power electronics. He has four patents and one book in Springer for publication. He serves as the tutorial/short course chair in ITEC 2023, topic chair in ECCE 2023 and session chairs in ITEC 2022 and ITEC 2023. He was the recipient of Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Applied Energy, MIT A+B 2022. He also received the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2021 and the (merit based) Student Travel Grant at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2018. See his Google Scholar link at:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U2y3pVsAAAAJ&hl=en
7、Contact Information
If you are interested in working with Dr. Liwei Zhou, please direct your inquiry to liwei.zhou@uta.edu with your CV and research articles (if applicable).