
课题组研究方向: 从事非编码RNAs(miRNAs, LncRNAs和circRNAs)在消化道肿瘤(肝癌和胰腺癌)和感染性疾病(HIV合并肿瘤)发生发展过程中的作用、分泌机制和筛选疾病生物标记物。




博士后,肿瘤生物学,微生物学, 生物化学, 细胞生物学及相关专业,能开拓新的研究方向和领域,具有熟练的英语论文写作能力,能配合PI完成既定的科研任务和研究生带教工作。有浓厚的科研热情,责任心强,学术 作风严谨,和较好的英语听说读写能力。

导师简介:汪进博士毕业于香港城市大学,其后在美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 和美国M.D. Anderson Cancer Center完成博士后研究。师从香港城市大学杨夢甦教授, NIH Mark Levine教授, 和 M.D. Andeson Cancer Center Subrata Sen教授,已在国际期刊发表论文40 余篇 (Cancer  Cell, Clin Chem, Cancer Letter, 和Liver International等),其2015年归国在上海市(复旦大学附属)公共卫生临床中心科学研究部,研究员,PI,复旦大学基础医学院免疫学博导,临床医学院生物与医药专业博导,与国际顶尖生物医学科研机构有紧密合作。

培养目标:博士后将独立承担研究课题,并参与和其他研究机构的合作科研项目, 在实验室期间将得到专业领域及职业发展的指导和英语训练,平均每年参加一次学术会议或技术培训,欢迎有志于未来在高校或生物制药公司从事肿瘤生物学或生物医学行业的近三年获得博士学位的学者加入。












应聘方法:请有意者请将详细简历(包括简历、申请信、发表文章等)通过电子邮件发至wjincityu@yahoo.com并抄送hr_gw@shphc.org.cn 邮件请注明 “应聘汪进课题组博后”。

Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center at Fudan University has a team of world-recognized principal investigators using state-of-the-art facilities. Dr. Jin Wang has been working in the fields of cancer and infectious diseases,which published in Cancer Cell, Clin Chem, and Cancer Lett. His laboratory conducts basic and translational research in the following areas: 1) Development of novel early detection biomarkers of human Gastrointestinal cancers and HIV associated cancer; 2) Pharmacologic ascorbic acid and ncRNAs (circRNAs, lncRNAs and miRNAs) for treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. Active interaction with outstanding members will enhance your productivity and achievements in your career. This research environment is the ideal foundation on which to base your successful career in research.


1. Position: Specially Appointed Researcher (full-time).

2. Affiliation: Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, China

3. Number of positions: Postdoctoral Researcher x1.

4. Research field: Oncology, Cell Biology, and Bioinformatics.

5. Qualifications: Doctorate degreeLess than 3 years since obtaining doctorate; generally under 35 years old.

6. Work location: Shanghai, China.

7. Annual salary: RMB 250,000 (Taxes are deducted from the monthly salary).

8. Employment term: 2 years *Start date of work is negotiable.


Dr. Jin WANG

Ph: 86-18930813976

Email: wjincityu@yahoo.com


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