1. 新型光伏材料与器件:钙钛矿/有机太阳能电池和其他新型光伏器件
2. 电致发光材料与器件:钙钛矿LED和OLED等
3. 柔性光电子器件
4. 其他光电材料与器件应用:光电探测器、传感器等
1. 具有较强的半导体知识储备,有半导体光电子器件研究经验者优先考虑。
2. 能熟练使用半导体分析仪、SEM、PL等表征测试设备。
3. 以第一作者身份在国际重要学术刊物上发表过研究论文,具有良好的英语读写和交流能力。
4. 具备独立从事科研工作的能力,善于团队沟通协作。
5. 具有博士学历,且获得学历的时间不超过5年。
6. 态度严谨、身心健康、思想积极。
博士后工资每年不少于35万,可享受博士后公寓、五险一金等福利待遇。 课题组非常重视科研人员的发展,将提供充足的科研经费、良好的实验环境,并支持参加各类学术会议活动。
詹义强教授于2000年获得复旦大学物理学士学位,2005年获得复旦大学凝聚态物理博士学位,并在2007年完成了在意大利CNR ISMN的博士后研究,合作导师是Alek Dediu教授。 2007年至2010年在林雪平大学IFM担任助理教授。2011年加入复旦大学,现任复旦大学信息科学与工程学院教授。
詹义强教授长期从事有机和有机无机杂化半导体光电器件、柔性电子器件的研究,在Science, Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater. 、J. Mater. Chem. A等SCI收录杂志发表研究论文百余篇。入选2012年度上海市“浦江人才计划”,获得2013年度上海市自然科学奖二等奖。多次被《Nature》子刊、《Advanced Materials》及其子刊、《Journal of Materials Chemistry A\C》、《Organic Electronics》等国际学术期刊邀请为审稿人。还受邀担任美国能源部科研项目、罗马尼亚国家发展创新委员会、澳门大学和香港研究资助局国际评议专家。
Postdoctoral Positions in Hybrid organic-inorganic Electronics Research Group
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research positions in hybrid organic-inorganic electronics research group headed by Prof. Yiqiang Zhan at School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University, shanghai-China. Those who have experience in semiconductor optoelectronic devices are welcome to apply. The research group has multidisciplinary research background including materials science, chemistry and physics.
Research topics:
1. New photovoltaic materials and device fabrications: perovskite solar cells, organic solar cells and others.
2. Electroluminescent materials and devices fabrications: perovskite LED and OLED.
3. Flexible optoelectronic devices.
4. Other applications of optoelectronic materials and devices such as photodetectors and sensors.
Candidate requirements
Applicant should fulfil the requirement described as follows;
1.Holds a PhD degree (no more than 5 years) in major related to semiconductors research.
2.Should have strong knowledge of semiconductor materials Experiences in semiconductor optoelectronic devices will be appreciated.
3. Skilled in handling various related characterization techniques and analysis of their results such as; XRD, SEM, PL,
4. Should have related publications as first author in well reputed journal.
5. With strong ability of work as independent researcher and be skilled in communication and cooperation.
6.Apply as soon as possible, position will be open until filled.
Interested candidates please send CV (with a research statement and the publication list) to email:yqzhan@fudan.edu.cn.
More information
Yiqiang Zhan held a BS in Physics from Fudan University in China in 2000, and he received his Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics from Fudan University in 2005. Then in 2007, he completed his postdoctoral research in CNR ISMN, Italy and the co-supervisor is Prof. Alek Dediu. Before he joined Fudan University in 2011, he served on the Assistant Professor of IFM in Linkoping university from 2007 to 2010. Zhan now is a Professor and Deputy Dean of School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University.
Prof. Zhan has been engaged in the research of organic and organic-inorganic hybrid semiconductor optoelectronic devices and flexible electronic devices. He has published more than 100 research papers in Science, Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A and other journals. Prof. Zhan was selected for Pujiang Talent Plan of Shanghai in 2012 and won the second prize of 2013 Shanghai Natural Science Award. He has been invited by Nature’s sister Journal, Advanced Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A/C, Organic Electronics and other international academic journals as reviewers.
Weblink for Z-group: https://hoie.fudan.edu.cn/hoieenglish/