4月18日,世界上最大的综合性科学学会之一,同时也是Science期刊出版商的美国科学促进会(AAAS),官宣了2023年的AAAS Fellow名单。
梁顺林,香港大学地理系系主任,在南京大学获得学士和硕士学位,在波士顿大学获得博士学位。他发表了440多篇同行评议的英文期刊论文,8本英文著作(其中5本被翻译成中文并在中国出版)。他是《Science of Remote Sensing》主编、《Comprehensive Remote Sensing》九卷(Elsevier, 2017)的总编。他还曾担任遥感科学国家重点实验室副主任,北京师范大学地理学院院长。
梁教授主要致力于定量遥感的建模、反演、产品生产和应用。他组织研发了中国陆表卫星遥感GLASS产品集和Hi-GLASS数据集,在全球得到了广泛的应用。入选科睿唯安最新「2022 年高被引研究人員」(Highly Cited Researchers)。
Section on Agriculture, Food & Renewable Resources
Siobhan Brady, University of California, Davis
John Davis, University of Florida
Jay D. Evans, U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service
Elizabeth Guertal, Kansas State University
Steven P. Hamburg, Environmental Defense Fund
Rajiv Khosla, Kansas State University
Wayne Kuenzel, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville
Elisabeth Huff Lonergan, Iowa State University
Jayson Lusk, Oklahoma State University
Bruce McCarl, Texas A&M University
Seth C. Murray, Texas A&M University
Tom Porter, University of Maryland, College Park
Scott Senseman, Oklahoma State University
Blair Siegfried, Pennsylvania State University
Melinda Smith, Colorado State University
Lynn Sollenberger, University of Florida
William Taylor, Michigan State University
Section on Anthropology
Jada Benn Torres, Vanderbilt University
Miguel Díaz-Barriga, University of Richmond
Diane Gifford-Gonzalez, University of California, Santa Cruz
Bonnie Pitblado, University of Oklahoma
Kaye Reed, Arizona State University
Sissel Schroeder, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Phoebe Stubblefield, University of Florida
Victor Thompson, University of Georgia
Claudia Valeggia, Yale University
Cara Wall-Scheffler, Seattle Pacific University
Section on Astronomy
Lori E. Allen, NSF’s NOIRLab
Daniel Apai, University of Arizona
Günther Eichhorn, Springer Science+Business Media
B. Scott Gaudi, The Ohio State University
Lynne Hillenbrand, California Institute of Technology
Dante Lauretta, University of Arizona
Anneila I. Sargent, California Institute of Technology
James Slavin, University of Michigan
Section on Atmospheric & Hydrospheric Sciences
Steven Brown, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Ping Chang, Texas A&M University
Yafang Cheng, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Germany)
Praveen Kumar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas A&M University
Allen L. Robinson, Colorado State University
Bridget Scanlon, The University of Texas at Austin
Christopher Scott, Pennsylvania State University
Guiling Wang, University of Connecticut
Section on Biological Sciences
Ehab Abouheif, McGill University (Canada)
Zach Adelman, Texas A&M University
Aneel Aggarwal, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Ross Alford, James Cook University (Australia)
Lizabeth A. Allison, William & Mary
Jose Alonso, North Carolina State University
Robert P. Anderson, City College of New York, City University of New York
Annaliesa S. Anderson, Pfizer Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Inc.
Jean-Michel Ané, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Elizabeth Archie, University of Notre Dame
Maureen Barr, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Karen A. Bjorndal, University of Florida
David Blackburn, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
Kendall Blumer, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Daniel Bolnick, University of Connecticut
W. Alice Boyle, Kansas State University
Judith Brusslan, California State University, Long Beach
Martha Bulyk, Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School
Janelle Burke, Howard University
Kevin Campbell, University of Iowa
Stephen Chanock, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Luis Chaves, Indiana University
Jianjun Chen, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope
Jianlin Cheng, University of Missouri-Columbia
Linda Chrisey, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Aimée Classen, University of Michigan
Noam Cohen, Perelman School of Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania
Noah Cohen, Texas A&M University
Sean Crosson, Michigan State University
Marymegan Daly, The Ohio State University
Jacobus de Roode, Emory University
Mary Dickinson, Baylor College of Medicine
Helen Donis-Keller, Olin College of Engineering
Colin Duckett, Duke University
Jaquelin Dudley, The University of Texas at Austin
Jonathan Dworkin, Columbia University in the City of New York
Douglas Emlen, University of Montana
Bevin Engelward, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Carlos R. Escalante, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Songlin Fei, Purdue University
Michael Feiss, University of Iowa
Katrina T. Forest, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tamara Franz-Odendaal, Mount Saint Vincent University (Canada)
Rebecca Fuller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Boyi Gan, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Eric Gaucher, Georgia State University
Cameron Ghalambor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
Simon Gilroy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Zemer Gitai, Princeton University
Joanna Goldberg, Emory University School of Medicine
Heidi Goodrich-Blair, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Brenton Graveley, UConn Health
Robert Guralnick, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
Kevin Haigis, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Ross Hardison, Pennsylvania State University
Kirsten Hofmockel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Bennett Van Houten, University of Pittsburgh
Takanari Inoue, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Vivian Irish, Yale University
Peng Jin, Emory University
Arlen Johnson, The University of Texas at Austin
Adam Jones, University of Idaho
Pradeep Kachroo, University of Kentucky
Ailong Ke, Cornell University
James Keck, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jeffrey Kelly, University of Oklahoma
Nemat Oliver Keyhani, University of Illinois at Chicago
Nicole King, University of California, Berkeley
Robyn Klein, Western University (Canada)
L. Lacey Knowles, University of Michigan
Rohit N. Kulkarni, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School
Michael Lampson, University of Pennsylvania
Edward Laws, Louisiana State University
Daniel Leahy, The University of Texas at Austin
Liwu Li, Virginia Tech
Jose L. Lopez-Ribot, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Kai Lorenzen, University of Florida
Chaofu Lu, Montana State University
H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Field Museum of Natural History
Li Ma, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Jian-Hua Mao, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Leticia Márquez-Magaña, San Francisco State University
Carlos Martínez del Rio, University of Wyoming
Lynn Matrisian, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
John McCormack, Occidental College
Tesfaye Mengiste, Purdue University
Jeffrey Miner, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Ron Mittler, University of Missouri
Tomoaki Miura, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Valerie Mizrahi, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Mary Munson, Univeristy of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Coleen Murphy, Princeton University
Trent Northen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Satchidananda Panda, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences
Tanya Paull, The University of Texas at Austin
Brian Peer, Western Illinois University
Craig Peterson, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Kit Pogliano, University of California, San Diego
Katherine Pollard, Gladstone Institutes
Richard Pouyat, USDA Forest Service (Emeritus)
Thomas Powers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Channapatna Prakash, Tuskegee University
Olin E. Rhodes, Jr., Savannah River Ecology Laboratory / University of Georgia
Courtney E. Richmond, Rowan University
David Rockcliffe, National Science Foundation
Natividad Ruiz, The Ohio State University
Kendra Rumbaugh, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Fumihiko Sato, Kyoto University (Japan)
Dolph Schluter, University of British Columbia (Canada)
Julie Segre, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH
Daniel Segrè, Boston University
Yousif Shamoo, Rice University
Beth Shapiro, University of California, Santa Cruz
Deepak Shukla, University of Illinois College of Medicine
Nancy Staub, Gonzaga University
John Stolz, Duquesne University
Gisela Storz, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH
Diane Sullenberger, National Academy of Sciences
Matthew Sullivan, The Ohio State University
Cory Suski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
John Swaddle, William & Mary
Nathan Swenson, University of Notre Dame
Diana Tomback, University of Colorado Denver
Paul Trainor, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
George Uetz, University of Cincinnati
Rodrigo Vargas, University of Delaware
Kristen Verhey, University of Michigan
Lori L. Wallrath, University of Iowa
Chunyu Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jue D. Wang, University of Wisconsin
Matthew Welch, University of California, Berkeley
Michael Welte, University of Rochester
Brenda Winkel, Virginia Tech
Qiuyun Xiang, North Carolina State University
Section on Chemistry
Lisa Balbes, Balbes Consultants LLC
Christopher J. Bannnochie, Savannah River National Laboratory
Judith Benham, 3M (Retired)
Louise A. Berben, University of California, Davis
Kristin Bowman-James, University of Kansas
Clemens Burda, Case Western Reserve University
Peter Burns, University of Notre Dame
Robert E. Campbell, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Sherry Chemler, State University of New York at Buffalo
David Cliffel, Vanderbilt University
Brandi Cossairt, University of Washington
Massimiliano Delferro, Argonne National Laboratory
Guangbin Dong, University of Chicago
Anatoly Frenkel, Stony Brook University
Felicia Fullilove-Cashwell, Tuvli, LLC
Filipp Furche, University of California, Irvine
François Gabbaï, Texas A&M University
Michael B. Hall, Texas A&M University
Jennifer Heemstra, Washington University in St. Louis
Katharine Hunt, Michigan State University
Caroline Chick Jarrold, Indiana University Bloomington
Kevin John, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Grant Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Douglas Keszler, Oregon State University
Christy Landes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tianquan Lian, Emory University
Janet Macdonald, Vanderbilt University
David Muddiman, North Carolina State University
Benoît Roux, University of Chicago
Arthur Schultz, Argonne National Laboratory
Michael Shatruk, Florida State University
M. Scott Shell, University of California, Santa Barbara
Emily Smith, Iowa State University
Eugene S. Smotkin, Northeastern University
Bala Subramaniam, University of Kansas
Ching-Hsuan Tung, Weill Cornell Medicine
Adam Urbach, Trinity University
Robert Waymouth, Stanford University
Jenny Yang, University of California, Irvine
Guihua Yu, The University of Texas at Austin
Section on Dentistry & Oral Health Sciences
Nisha J. D’Silva, University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Margherita Fontana, University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Section on Education
Deborah Allen, University of Delaware
Trevor Anderson, Purdue University
Peggy Brickman, University of Georgia
Judith Brown Clarke, Stony Brook University
Ozcan Gulacar, University of California, Davis
André O. Hudson, Rochester Institute of Technology
Roxanne Hughes, Florida State University
Felicia Jefferson, Fort Valley State University
Karen Klyczek, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Julie Libarkin, Michigan State University
James L. Moore III, The Ohio State University
Jennifer Normanly, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Joanne Olson, Texas A&M University
Becky Wai-Ling Packard, Mount Holyoke College
Heidi Schweingruber, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
George Wimberly, American Educational Research Association
Section on Engineering
Rigoberto Advincula, Oak Ridge National Laboratory / The University of Tennessee
Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin
Eric Burger, Virginia Tech
Christina Chan, Michigan State University
Chen-Nee Chuah, University of California, Davis
Patricia Culligan, University of Notre Dame
Dionysios Dionysiou*, University of Cincinnati
Omolola Eniola-Adefeso, University of Michigan
Daniel Ferris, University of Florida
Ramon Gonzalez, University of South Florida
Christine Grant, North Carolina State University
Nancy Haegel, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M University
Robert Heath, University of California, San Diego
Andrea Maria Hodge, University of Southern California
Zhong-Ping Jiang, New York University
Lizy Kurian John, The University of Texas at Austin
Thomas Kailath, Stanford University
Waldemar Karwowski, University of Central Florida
Mayuresh V. Kothare, Lehigh University
Nicholas A. Kotov, University of Michigan
Erin Lavik, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Philip LeDuc, Carnegie Mellon University
Kemper Lewis, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Susan Margulies, Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory University
Jeff Morris, City College of New York, City University of New York
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Pennsylvania State University
Elaine Oran, Texas A&M University
Mark E. Orazem, University of Florida
George P. Philippidis, University of South Florida
Ravi Prasher, University of California, Berkeley
Beth Pruitt, University of California, Santa Barbara
Siddharth Ramachandran, Boston University
Sayeef Salahuddin, University of California, Berkeley
Linda S. Schadler, University of Vermont
Namrata Vaswani, Iowa State University
Douglas Werner, Pennsylvania State University
Section on General Interest in Science & Engineering
David Berube, North Carolina State University
Jayatri Das, The Franklin Institute
Anthony Dudo, The University of Texas at Austin
Tatiana Erukhimova, Texas A&M University
Amanda Fuller, Kentucky Academy of Science
Sethanne Howard, U.S. Naval Observatory (Retired)
Robert Irion, University of California, Santa Cruz
Ravindra Joshi, Texas Tech University
Marshall Poole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Edwin Przybylowicz, Eastman Kodak Company (Retired)
Frederick Stoss, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Rebecca Thompson, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Section on Geology & Geography
Carlton Brett, University of Cincinnati
Joshua Feinberg, University of Minnesota
Xiahong Feng, Dartmouth College
Theodore Fremd, University of Oregon
Konrad Gajewski, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Conrad Labandeira, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Shunlin Liang, The University of Hong Kong
Kendra McSweeney, The Ohio State University
Sergio Rey, San Diego State University
Peter Roopnarine, California Academy of Sciences
Nancy Ross, Virginia Tech
Jeffrey Ryan, University of South Florida
Holly Stein, Applied Isotope Research for Industry and Environment
Marianne Walck, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Sophie Warny, Louisiana State University
Hongbin Zhan, Texas A&M University
Section on History & Philosophy of Science
Pnina Geraldine Abir-Am, The Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University
Kevin Elliott, Michigan State University
Kristine Harper, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Section on Industrial Science & Technology
Daolun Chen, Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada)
Yang-Tse Cheng, University of Kentucky
Farin Kamangar, Morgan State University
Kevin Kornegay, Morgan State University
Raj Singh, Oklahoma State University
Paul Tchounwou, Morgan State University
Section on Information, Computing & Communication
Sarita Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Vijay Chandru, Indian Institute of Science (India)
Nitesh Chawla, University of Notre Dame
Martin Farach-Colton, New York University
Kristen Grauman, University of Texas at Austin / Meta
Rose Hu, Utah State University
Matthew T. Mason, Berkshire Grey / Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas McKenna, Office of Naval Research
Renée J. Miller, Northeastern University
Marc Najork, Google
Fernando Pereira, Google
P. Jonathon Phillips, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Naren Ramakrishnan, Virginia Tech
Kui Ren, Zhejiang University (China)
Barbara Ryder, Virginia Tech
David Shmoys, Cornell University
Ramesh K. Sitaraman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Gaurav S. Sukhatme, University of Southern California
Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Michela Taufer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kishor Trivedi, Duke University
Holly Yanco, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Aylin Yener, The Ohio State University
Section on Linguistics & Language Science
Claire Bowern, Yale University
Ann Bradlow, Northwestern University
Jean-Pierre Koenig, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Richard Kurth Larson, Stony Brook University
Bob McMurray, University of Iowa
Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
Section on Mathematics
Peter Ebenfelt, University of California, San Diego
Changfeng Gui, University of Macau
Natalia Komarova, University of California, San Diego
Guozhen Lu, University of Connecticut
Henry Schenck, Auburn University
Prasad Tetali, Carnegie Mellon University
Section on Medical Sciences
Andreas Bäumler, University of California, Davis
Laura Bierut, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Charles Cairns, Drexel University
Michael Caplan, Yale University School of Medicine
Hongbo Chi, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Pinchas Cohen, University of Southern California
Linda B. Cottler, University of Florida
Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Volker Hans Haase, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Louis B. Justement, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Anne Kenworthy, University of Virginia
Christopher Kevil, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport
George A. Kuchel, University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Chuan-Yuan Li, Duke University School of Medicine
Jonathan Licht, University of Florida
Jay R. Lieberman, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
Tak Wah Mak, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (Canada) / Centre of Oncology and Immunology, The University of Hong Kong
Emanual Maverakis, University of California, Davis
Rajiv R. Mohan, University of Missouri
Subhra Mohapatra, University of South Florida / James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital
Sattva S. Neelapu, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
David Perlmutter, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Alexander Ploss, Princeton University
Gabriela K. Popescu, University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, State University of New York
Bali Pulendran, Stanford University School of Medicine
Soumya Raychaudhuri, Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School
Daniel Salo Reich, National Instutute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
Thomas A. Russo, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Luis Fernando Santana, University of California, Davis
Bradford Schwartz, Morgridge Institute for Research / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kathleen Scotto, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Cynthia L. Sears, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Jordan Shavit, University of Michigan
Ashok Shetty, Texas A&M University
Xiao-Ou Shu, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Edward Stadtmauer, University of Pennsylvania
Renée Tsolis, University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
Peter K. Vogt, The Scripps Research Institute
Jatin M. Vyas, Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital
Andrew Wang, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Martin Wells, Cornell University
Keith Wilson, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Owen Witte, University of California, Los Angeles
Ramnik Joseph Xavier, Harvard Medical School / Broad Institute
H. Joseph Yost, University of Utah
Jiajie Zhang, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Section on Neuroscience
Gary Aston-Jones, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Alison L. Barth, Carnegie Mellon University
Rick Bevins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Andreas Burkhalter, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Patricia Janak, Johns Hopkins University
Sheena Josselyn, The Hospital for Sick Children / University of Toronto (Canada)
Rejji Kuruvilla, Johns Hopkins University
Stephen Maren, Texas A&M University
Andrew Miller, Emory University School of Medicine
M. Maral Mouradian, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Douglas S. Portman, University of Rochester
Christopher Rongo, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Akira Sawa, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Frederick Sigworth, Yale University
Cheryl Sisk, Michigan State University
Kevin Staley, Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital
Allan J. Tobin, University of California, Los Angeles
Tony Wyss-Coray, Stanford University School of Medicine
Section on Pharmaceutical Sciences
Amy M. Barrios, University of Utah
Cynthia Carnes, The Ohio State University
Marcia Cruz-Correa, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Richard Mailman, Pennsylvania State College of Medicine
Alexander Mankin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Andy Stergachis, University of Washington
Section on Physics
Marina Artuso, Syracuse University
Vernon Barger, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carlo Beenakker, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Paul C. Canfield, Iowa State University / Ames National Laboratory
Gilbert Collins, University of Rochester
Dmitri Denisov, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Andrei Derevianko, University of Nevada, Reno
Thomas Devereaux, Stanford University
Takeshi Egami, University of Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ian Fisher, Stanford University
Howard Georgi, Harvard University
Joseph A. Giaime, Louisiana State University / California Institute of Technology
Angela Hight Walker, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sergei Kalinin, University of Tennessee, Knoxville / Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jacob Klein, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Michael Levi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Xiaoqin Li, The University of Texas at Austin
Erik Luijten, Northwestern University
Anthony Mezzacappa, University of Tennessee
David Miller, Stanford University
Don Monroe, Self-employed
William D. Oliver, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alan Poon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Bradley Lee Roberts, Boston University
Daniel Rothman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robin Santra, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY / Universität Hamburg (Germany)
Kate Scholberg, Duke University
Pierre Sikivie, University of Florida
Kumble Subbaswamy, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Timothy Tait, University of California, Irvine
Vladan Vuletić, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eric Weeks, Emory University
Section on Psychology
Dolores Albarracín, University of Pennsylvania
Linda Argote, Carnegie Mellon University
Steven Asher, Duke University
Deanna Barch, Washington University in St. Louis
Neal Krause, University of Michigan
Ethan Kross, University of Michigan
Jeffrey Liew, Texas A&M University
Sonja Lyubomirsky, University of California, Riverside
Kathleen McDermott, Washington University in St. Louis
Barbara Rothbaum, Emory University
Timothy Trull, University of Missouri-Columbia
Section on Social, Economic & Political Sciences
Kathryn Yount, Emory University
Section on Societal Impacts of Science & Engineering
Laurel Haak, Mighty Red Barn
Elizabeth Heitman, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Amy Kaminski, NASA
Keith L. Kline, Oak Ridge National Laboratory / University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Aaron Levine, Georgia Institute of Technology
Section on Statistics
Rebecca A. Betensky, New York University School of Global Public Health
T. Tony Cai, University of Pennsylvania
Ming-Hui Chen, University of Connecticut
Daniel Gillen, University of California, Irvine
Amita Manatunga, Emory University
Len Stefanski, North Carolina State University
Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri-Columbia
Tian Zheng, Columbia University in the City of New York