工作内容:负责扫描探针显微镜设备,包括两套超高真空系统:Createc LT-SPM/PEEM和Omicron VT-STM,领导FAIRmat任务组,将硬件与脚本结合实现样品制备过程的自动化,目标是使与时间相关的参数自动化(沉积、退火、压力、辐照等 ),优化分子前驱体构建石墨烯纳米带的样品制备过程,特别是在绝缘界面上。PEEM和LEED可作为扫描探针显微镜表征之前探究精密材料的补充手段。
1 year Postdoctoral research position
Available immediately at the Humboldt--Universität zu Berlin in
Automating precision material discovery
in low-T scanning probe microscopy facilities
Background. FAIR data infrastructures propose findable (F), accessible (A), interoperable (I) and reusable (R) material data management (Sci. Data 3, 160018, 2016; Nature 604, 635, 2022). Interfacing FAIR data infrastructures with automation protocols (Joule 2, 1410, 2018) could accelerate material discovery, especially when relying on automation-ready facilities employed in multi-technique ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) surface science.
Description. You will be responsible for the HU Berlin’s scanning probe microscopy (SPM) facilities consisting on two UHV chambers in Adlershof: a CreaTec. LTSPM/PEEM and Omicron. VT-STM. You will lead a FAIRmat task group for automating sample preparation processes by interfacing hardware and scripts (e.g. PID T-controllers with pySerial) with the NOMAD database and FAIRmat data infrastructure. A suggested material discovery goal is to automate time-dependent parameters (deposition, annealing, pressure, irradiation) for the optimization of graphene nanoribbons fabrication from molecular precursors, particularly on insulating interfaces. PEEM and LEED protocols may complement the criteria employed for successful material discovery prior to low-temperature scanning probe microscopy studies with atomic-resolution.
Team. You will work with programming, scanning probe microscopy and electron microscopy colleagues together with FAIRmat Area leaders in a FAIRmat team task group https://www.fairmat-nfdi.eu/fairmat/
Application. A PhD in an ultrahigh vacuum-related field is required. Low-temperature scanning probe or photoemission microscopy expertise is recommended. Please send your application (containing a cover letter, CV, copy of PhD certificate and two contact persons) electronically as a single PDF-file to: palma@physik.hu-berlin.de Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IRIS Adlershof