密西根州立大学Biomedical Engineering Li Lab招聘博士后和全奖博士生

Position Description

The Li Lab at Michigan State University (MSU) is seeking 1 postdoctoral scholar and 1-2 Ph.D. students interested in the research area of 1) Soft bioelectronics and brain-machine interface, 2) Microrobotics, 3) Additive Manufacturing and sustainable materials. The postdoc can join immediately, while students are expected to join MSU in the Fall of 2024.Researchers with any related engineering(electrical/mechanical/biomedical/chemical/materials engineering), science(biology/physics/chemistry), or medicine backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Minimum English requirements for PhD applications: TOEFL: 80, IELTS: 6.5.

About the Lab

Lab Website: https://www.labli.net/

The LI Lab aims to engineer biologically interfaced machines, specifically miniaturized sensors, and robots, which can seamlessly integrate and precisely interact with the biological systems, towards precision, ubiquitous, and affordable healthcare infrastructure. We are particularly interested in fundamental sciences leading to new sensing and actuation principles, by exploring the spaces between traditionally different fields. We also seek to develop scalable manufacturing methods to translate these inventions into ubiquitous diagnostics and therapeutics. Examples of our work include soft bioelectronic neural interfaces for sensing neurotransmitters and hormones, microscale robots for targeted medicine delivery, and soft robots for safer human-machine interaction.

About the PI

李金星博士,美国密西根州立大学生物医学工程以及电子与计算机工程系Global Impact Initiative助理教授。本科和硕士分别毕业于华中科技大学电子科学与技术系和复旦大学微电子系;博士毕业于加州大学圣地亚哥分校纳米工程系Joseph Wang实验室,致力于微纳机器人研究。博士毕业后,在贝尔实验室进行了短期访问,随后进入斯坦福大学鲍哲南实验室进行柔性生物传感器和软体机器人研究。目前主要致力于生物电子学(脑机接口),微纳米机器人,以及减碳材料等方向。已在Nature, Science等期刊发表论文70余篇。获得美国Siebel Scholar,美国材料协会研究生奖,以色列Dan David Prize Scholarship,美国化学协会无机化学分会青年科学家奖,以及麻省理工科技评论35 岁以下科技创新青年35人全球榜。

Research Environment

Research Environment:


Campus Life:


How to Apply

Applicants should send their CV and a brief cover letter to Jinxing Li, Ph.D. at jl@msu.edu. Candidates with research experience are also welcome to attach published papers or summary PPT slides.


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