美国堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas) Dr. Xu诚招博士后

1、Recruiting Information

The University of Kansas, Lawrence, is hiring for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join the Dr. Liang Xu’s laboratory to work on cancer drug discovery, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. The successful candidate will participate in the research projects currently underway in cancer drug discovery and cancer molecular therapy targeting RNA-binding proteins (Science Translational Medicine 2020; 12:eaaz2878; Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023; 66:2032).  We are looking for an experienced and motivated individual with in-depth knowledge and extensive skills in cancer biology, chemical biology and animal tumor models to join the Xu laboratory focused on novel precision cancer medicine. Experience in cancer immunotherapy is preferred. For more information, visit the Xu Lab. http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MBAmAvMAAAAJ.

Contact: xul@ku.edu.

2、To Apply



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