王海梁教授担任Nano Research副主编

Nano Research(《纳米研究》(英文版))是由教育部主管、清华大学和中国化学会主办的高水平国际学术期刊。主要发表纳米研究领域世界一流原创性科研论文和综述论文,文章内容涉及纳米研究领域的各个方面。为促进期刊稳步发展,清华大学出版社诚邀王海梁教授担任Nano Research副主编。

王海梁,博士,美国耶鲁大学化学系终身教授。本科毕业于北京大学,获化学、经济学双学士学位。2012年于美国斯坦福大学获得博士学位,师从戴宏杰教授。2012-2014年在加州大学伯克利分校担任博士后研究员,师从Gabor A. Somorjai教授。2014年获聘于耶鲁大学担任助理教授。2022年起,担任耶鲁大学化学系终身教授。研究方向包括催化、纳米材料、电化学等。目前已在Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Sustainability、Journal of the American Chemical Society等期刊发表论文百余篇。王海梁教授曾获美国化学学会无机化学青年科学家奖(2012),IUPAC青年化学家奖(2013),美国国家科学基金会早期职业生涯发展奖(2017),“斯隆研究奖”(2019),并自2016年起持续入选Web of Science全球高被引学者。

Welcome New Associate Editor to Nano Research

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Hailiang Wang to join the Nano Research editorial team as our newest Associate Editor, effective on January 1, 2023.

Hailiang Wang is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Chemistry at Yale University. Prior to joining Yale in 2014, he was a Philomathia Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Stanford University in 2012 and B.S. in chemistry from Peking University in 2007. His research interest include: heterogeneous molecular catalysts for electrochemical conversion of small molecules; photochemistry for solar energy utilization, fuel production, and energy storage; interface chemistry and catalysis in next-generation high-energy batteries.
He is a winner of Sloan Research Fellowship, the US NSF CAREER award, and a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher. He has published more than 140 journal articles with total citations of 51,000 and an h-index of 75 (Google Scholar).

Given Hailiang’s expertise and achievements, we are confident that Nano Research will continue being a main publishing venue for cutting-edge research in nanoscience and nanotechnology.


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