







  1. 根据自己的研究兴趣,结合心理与行为健康课题组的研究主题开展心理与行为健康、行为公共健康、健康行为促进与干预、公共健康政策与管理创新等领域的前沿研究;
  2. 在合作导师的指导下积极申报博士后基金及国家和省部级科研项目;
  3. 协助合作导师执行科研项目,参与数据分析并撰写研究论文和公共健康政策报告;
  4. 参与指导研究生和本科生,协助课题组研究项目的执行与管理;
  5. 积极参与研究项目合作和研究成果的交流与分享,参与相关领域的学术会议。


1、身心健康, 年龄在35周岁以下;国内外已取得或即将取得相关专业的博士学位,2021年应届博士毕业生优先。






  1. 工资及福利待遇按浙江大学和国家博士后有关规定执行,根据应聘者的申请条件提供具有竞争力的薪酬(20-35万)。支持优秀博士后优先申请博士后创新人才支持计划和博士后国际交流计划(限在海外或中国港澳台地区获得博士学位的年轻学者),详见:http://hr.zju.edu.cn/postdoctor/2021/0120/c29114a2246138/page.htm
  2. 享受浙江大学博士后相关福利待遇(可以优惠价租住学校教师公寓或申请租房补助);
  3. 人事关系转入学校的学科博士后在站工作满2年及以上者,可根据业绩申报学校高级专业技术职务资格,在站表现优秀者将获得择优留校工作的机会;
  4. 鼓励参加国内外高水平的学术会议,支持申请国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金及各类人才计划如“博士后创新人才支持计划”、“博士后国际交流计划”等项目。




(3) 个人学位论文题目和摘要及其它能够表明个人研究能力和学术水平的成果及奖励清单(如:获奖、学术论文等);

申请流程:请将以上应聘材料请发送至张宁研究员邮箱zhangning2019@zju.edu.cn, 邮件主题请注明“博士后申请”并写明计划入职时间。所有应聘材料严格保密,符合条件的申请者将在面试考核之后择优录取。

Postdoctoral Fellowship at the School of Public Health and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Established by the Principal Investigator Dr. Ning Zhang, The Psychological and Behavioral Health Research Team within the School of Public Health and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine focuses research on psychological and behavioral health, behavioral public health, which lies at the intersection of behavioral sciences and public health. Specifically, the research team focuses on the following three research areas:

  1. Understanding the psychological factors and mechanism of health behavior, health behavior change and its long-term psychological and health consequences.
  2. Conducting behavioral-sciences-based health behavior interventions to promote healthy living.
  3. Improving public health policy and enhancing innovation in public health management through evidence-based research.

The research team is currently recruiting 2 postdoctoral fellowship positions during the 2021 academic year.

Responsibilities and opportunities for the position:

  1. Conducting high-quality research on psychological and behavioral health, behavioral public health, health behavior interventions or public health policy management and innovation, etc.
  2. Applying for research grants from provincial and national funding agencies such as NSFC, Department of Education etc.
  3. Designing and implementing research projects, analyzing data and writing up manuscripts and public health policy reports.
  4. Assisting in supervising graduate and undergraduate students and managing the research team.
  5. Presenting research in national and international conferences and promoting collaboration between research teams both within China and abroad.

Required qualifications for the position:

  1. PhD graduates within the past two years or about to graduate during the summer of 2021 in health psychology, behavioral medicine, social medicine and healthcare management, and other social and behavioral sciences areas related to health behavior, health promotion, and behavioral medicine.
  2. Strong interests in research on psychological and behavioral health, behavioral public health and related areas, and interested in pursuing an academic career either in China or abroad.
  3. Have experience in conducting high quality research in the above-mentioned research areas and experience in presenting research in national and international conferences and publishing research results in top-tier journals of the field.
  4. Have strong communication and project management skills both in English and Chinese.


  1. Competitive salary (200,000 to 350,000¥/Year) based on qualifications and previous research experiences according to the recruitment policy of Zhejiang University. Outstanding candidates are encouraged and supported to apply for the 2021 International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship program (see http://hr.zju.edu.cn/postdoctor/2021/0120/c29114a2246138/page.htm for details).
  2. Rent university-owned apartments with discounted rent comparted to the market price.
  3. Outstanding postdoctoral fellowship candidates can apply for tenure-track faculty positions within Zhejiang University and the affiliated hospitals of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.
  4. Opportunities to apply for funding to conduct innovative research from funding organizations such as NSFC, Department of Education and grants for attending national and international conferences.

How to apply:

Candidates interested in this position, please submit the following application materials to zhangning2019@zju.edu.cn:

  1. Postdoctoral fellowship application form. It can be downloaded from:


  1. Two recommendation letters (with one from your PhD supervisor).
  2. Research statement and a brief research proposal.
  3. Abstract of dissertation and other representative publications.


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