2023年美国光学学会新增会士(OSA FELLOW)名单公布

近日,美国光学学会(Optica, The Optical Society of America)发布了2023年度新当选会士(Fellow)名单。来自全球24个国家地区的109位学者入选。

光学学会会士(Optica Fellow)是美国光学学会授予该领域专家的最高学术荣誉,其遴选程序非常严格,最终当选Optica Fellow的会员必须是被认为“对光学的进展做出重大贡献”的学者。



李贵新:1981年出生,山东莱芜人, 南方科技大学材料科学与工程系教授,本科毕业于北京师范大学 ,博士毕业于香港浸会大学。 主要研究领域:非线性光学超构表面、超构材料、几何相位。

屈军乐:1970年出生,陕西西安人,深圳大学光电工程学院教授 ,本科毕业于西安交通大学,博士毕业于中科院西安光学精密机械研究所。从事多模态光学成像、超分辨成像、光治疗及纳米生物光子技术等研究。









2023 Optica Fellows全名单如下:


Kazi S. Abedin
CACI International, Inc., USA
For pioneering contributions to ultrafast and high-speed pulse generation, nonlinear fiber optics, space division multiplexed optical communications, and optical instrumentation

Anjali Agarwal
CACI | Technology Innovation and Labs, USA
For significant contributions to optical and quantum communications and RF photonics

Félicie Albert
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
For pioneering research on the development and applications of x-ray sources driven by laser-wakefield acceleration and  leadership in the LaserNetUS initiative

Dario Ambrosini
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
For significant and sustained contributions in artwork non-destructive testing and in flow visualization by optical methods

Gaurav Bahl
Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
For transformative contributions to the understanding of Brillouin light scattering and developments in nonreciprocal photonics

Konrad Banaszek
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland
For advances in quantum photonics, combining virtuoso experimental and theoretical capabilities, leading to new insights

Seth Robert Bank
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
For pioneering work on the growth of optoelectronic materials by molecular beam epitaxy

Paul Barclay
University of Calgary, Canada
For pioneering work in the field of diamond quantum nanophotonics and optomechanics, and revealing new physical phenomena using nanophotonic resonators

Andreas Becker
University  of Colorado at Boulder, USA
For outstanding contributions to our understanding of intense laser-atom interactions

Yves Bellouard
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
For pioneering work on the fundamental understanding of non-ablative femtosecond laser interaction and processes enabling  advanced materials manufacturing and microtechnologies

Antonella Bogoni
Sant’Anna School/CNIT, Italy
For significant contributions to high-speed optical signal processing, including for microwave photonics and photonics-based radar

Pierre-Francois Brevet
Institut Lumière Matière, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, France
For achievements in nanophotonics and nanoscale nonlinear plasmonics, research leadership, and optics education through university teaching and program coordination

Lionel Canioni
Universite de Bordeaux, France
For seminal contributions to ultrafast nonlinear optics and photonics, and national and international collaboration in photonics education and graduate research

Alexander N. Cartwright
Univ of Central Florida, USA
For lifetime achievement and leadership in photonics, significant scientific contributions to optical sensing, and national impact on STEM education

Shih-Chi CHEN
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For seminal contributions in microfabrication and imaging based on novel manipulation of nonlinear light pulses

Xi (Vivian) Chen
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
For remarkable contributions to ultrahigh-speed fiber-optic transmission systems for both short-reach and long-haul applications

Chi-Wai Chow
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ, Taiwan
For contributions to optical communications, optical wireless communications, visible light communications, and optical camera communications

Daniele Cocco
Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
For seminal contributions in soft x-ray optics particularly in relation to coherent x-ray light and in metrology

Ian Coddington
National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
For outstanding, sustained contributions to the development of fiber-based frequency combs and their application to dual-comb spectroscopy and ranging

Kenneth Crozier
University of Melbourne, Australia
For exceptionally broad and novel scientific contributions to the understanding and engineering of light-matter interactions at the nano- and micro-scales

Steve DenBaars
Materials and ECE Departments, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
For leadership and pioneering contributions to gallium nitride-based materials and devices for solid state lighting and displays

Michel Digonnet
Stanford University, USA
For seminal contributions to the development of fiber and chip-scale photonic devices and systems

John D. Downie
Corning Incorporated, USA
For significant contributions to optical fiber technology through transmission system testing and modeling

Frédéric Druon
Université Paris Saclay, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, France
For important breakthroughs and outstanding contributions to the research and development of ultrashort pulse laser technologies and their applications

Alfredo Dubra
Stanford University, USA
For significant improvements and advances in retinal imaging technology and widespread dissemination of adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy

Paul Dumas
QED Technologies International, Inc., USA
For outstanding innovation and development of magnetorheological finishing and metrology products, and leadership in education and the implementation of new technologies

Ramy El-Ganainy
Michigan Technological Univ, USA
For seminal contributions in the fields of non-Hermitian photonics, parity-time symmetry, and optical supersymmetry

Rafael Espinosa Luna
Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A.C., México
For leadership in formalization of research institutions emphasizing the standardization of graduate programs in Mexico, while conducting key research in polarization

Zhiyong Fan
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
For outstanding contributions to the development of nanostructure-based novel optoelectronic devices and biomimetic optoelectronics

Kai-Mei Fu
University of Washington and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
For advances in characterization, synthesis, control and device integration of optically-active quantum point defects in crystals

Masayuki Fujita
Osaka University, Japan
For pioneering contributions to terahertz integrated photonics based on photonic crystals and silicon microstructures

Qiaoqiang Gan
King Abdullah Univ of Sci & Tech, Saudi Arabia
For outstanding contributions in the fields of optical nanosensing and green photonics

Thomas A. Germer
National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
For pioneering contributions to interpretation of polarized reflection and scattering from rough and contaminated surfaces

Sylvain Gigan
Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
For pioneering research into the physics of light wave propagation in complex media, wavefront shaping, and innovative applications to imaging and optical computing

Alexey V. Gorshkov
National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Maryland, USA
For fundamental contributions to the understanding and control of large, interacting quantum systems, with applications including quantum- computing, sensing, and networks

Rachel Grange
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
For achievements in nonlinear optics and integrated photonics, particularly the use of dielectric and electro-optic materials at the nanoscale

Zuyuan He
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of optical fiber sensors, particularly distributed and multiplexed fiber-optic sensors

Krystel R. Huxlin, Ph.D.
University of Rochester, Flaum Eye Institute, USA
For innovative approaches to visual restoration, encompassing optics, ocular biology, laser tissue-interaction, and visual behavior

Gordon Keeler
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA
For seminal contributions to and leadership in the advancement of heterogeneous photonics and optical microsystems

Efim Khazanov
Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Science, Russia
For innovative contributions to nonlinear optics and laser physics, with application to the development of high-intensity and high-average-power laser systems

Chulhong Kim
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
For contributions to multi-parametric photoacoustic imaging from super-resolution microscopy to clinical imaging system, and multi-modal optical imaging via transparent ultrasound sensor

Jungwon Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
For pioneering contributions to ultralow-noise optical frequency combs and their applications including large-scale timing synchronization and ultrafast time-of-flight sensors

Jonathan Klamkin
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
For major contributions to integrated microwave photonics and photonic ICs, particularly integrated optical beam forming networks

John Koshel
University of Arizona, USA
For leadership in undergraduate and graduate optics education and significant contributions to illumination and optical system engineering

Małgorzata Kujawińska
Politechnika Warszawska, Poland
For outstanding contributions to the development of imaging methods through the introduction of metrology standards

Ioannis Kymissis
Columbia University, USA
For pioneering innovations in thin-film organic electronics and their application to micro-displays and sensors

Jiun-Haw Lee
National Taiwan Univ, Taiwan
For outstanding achievements in display technologies, particularly in improving efficiency and elongating operation lifetime of blue organic light-emitting diode

Ju Han Lee
Univ of Seoul, Republic of Korea
For significant contributions to the understanding and applications of highly nonlinear optical fibers for communications, and of nonlinear optical properties of 2-D materials

Sergio Leon-Saval
University of Sydney, Australia
For pioneering contributions to the field of astrophotonics, and the conceptual and experimental development of photonic lanterns and their applications

Guixin Li
Southern University of Science and Technology, China
For outstanding contributions to the field of nonlinear photonic metasurfaces, particularly for proposing the concept of nonlinear geometric phase and its applications

Po-Tsun Liu
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ, Taiwan
For outstanding and sustained contributions to thin film transistor–based optoelectronics technologies for flat-panel displays

Yang Liu
University of Pittsburgh, USA
For outstanding contributions to the application of quantitative phase imaging and super-resolution microscopy in cancer research

Yongmin Liu
Northeastern University, USA
For significant contributions to the fundamental and application of nanophotonics, particularly plasmonics and photonic metamaterials

Kevin MacDonald
University of Southampton, UK
For pioneering contributions to nanophotonics including the physics and technology of metamaterials, media undergoing light-induced structural transitions, and free-electron/photon interactions

Tom Mackay
Univ of Edinburgh, UK
For the elucidation of optical characteristics of complex materials, including composite materials and bianisotropic materials

Konstantinos Makris
University of Crete – Department of Physics  – Voutes University Campus, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece
For seminal and pioneering contributions to the fields of non-Hermitian optics and wave propagation in complex media

Mangirdas Malinauskas
Laser Research Center at Vilnius University, Lithuania
For advancing ultrafast laser 3D lithography and pioneering work towards applying it for micro-optics and biomedical scaffolds

Stefano Marchesini
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
For pioneering achievements of computational imaging in the X-ray regime, enabling the highest-resolution X-ray microscope in the world

Goran Mashanovich
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK
For pioneering contributions to silicon photonics research, particularly in the mid-infrared wavelength range, and for innovative leadership in photonics education

Fernando Mendoza Santoyo
Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A.C., Mexico
For outstanding leadership in undergraduate and graduate optics education in Mexico and important worldwide contributions in optical metrology

Dejan Milošević
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
For seminal contributions to the theory of laser-matter interaction and attosecond science, and the advancement of science education in Bosnia and Hercegovina

Mircea Mujat
Physical Sciences Inc., USA
For outstanding contributions to the development of high-resolution retinal imaging and retinal hemodynamics quantification technologies

Arnaud Mussot
University of Lille, Laboratoire PhLAM, IRCICA, France
For pioneering contributions in nonlinear guided-wave photonics including ultrafast nonlinear propagation, frequency comb dynamics, supercontinuum generation, and frequency conversion

Yoshiaki Nakano
The University of Tokyo, Japan
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research of semiconductor opto-electronic devices and photonic integrated circuits

Hideyuki Nasu
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan
For seminal and sustained contributions to optical packaging technologies and their applications

Izabela Naydenova
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
For contributions to holographic materials, sensors, and modeling, and outstanding service to the community

Shouleh Nikzad
Jet Propulsion Lab, USA
For leadership and sustained, high-impact contributions to the field of ultraviolet/visible photonic detection

David J. Norris
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
For leading contributions to the advance of photonic nanomaterials and the development of novel nanophotonic systems

Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin
Institut Pasteur, France
For significant contributions to biological image analysis

Alexander A. Oraevsky
TomoWave Laboratories, Inc, USA
For pioneering work, inventions, and sustained contributions to the development of methods and systems of optoacoustic / photoacoustic imaging

David Ottaway
University of Adelaide, Australia
For international contributions to the field of optical systems, lasers, and advanced gravitational wave detectors

Hong-Gyu Park
Korea University, Republic of Korea
For pioneering contributions to ultrasmall nanolasers and multifunctional nanophotonic devices

Valentin Petrov
Max Born Institute, Germany
For outstanding contributions in the fields of mode-locked solid-state lasers, nonlinear frequency conversion, and new laser and nonlinear optical materials

Li Qian
University of Toronto, Canada
For outstanding experimental contributions to fiber-based quantum photonics and quantum communication

Jie Qiao
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
For advancing professional networks for women in optics and extensive volunteer work for Optica

Cheng-Wei Qiu
National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
For leadership in photon twistronics and van der Waals interface optics fusing symmetry, topology, and geometry in low-dimensional photonic structures

Junle Qu
Shenzhen University, China
For outstanding contributions to biomedical photonics, particularly biomedical optical sensing, imaging, and therapy

Edik U. Rafailov
Aston University, UK
For contributions to novel gain media for semiconductor lasers at wavelengths from 750nm to 1300nm

Luca Razzari
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications (INRS-EMT), Canada
For pioneering contributions to nonlinear photonics, nanophotonics , and terahertz science

Andrew Rollins
Case Western Reserve University, USA
For achievements in the area of optical coherence tomography

Jayanta Kumar Sahu
Univ of Southampton, UK
For seminal contributions to fabrication and demonstration of active optical fibers and fiber devices, notably rare-earth-doped fibers for high-power fiber lasers

José A. Sánchez-Gil
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia – CSIC, Spain
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the fields of light scattering, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, plasmonics, and nano-optics

Chris B. Schaffer
Cornell Univ, USA
For pioneering optical imaging and manipulation tools to elucidate cellular mechanisms of disease, and for service to Optica

Harald Schwefel
Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies and Univ of Otago, New Zealand
For outstanding and sustained contributions to high quality monolithic resonators and their application in nonlinear and quantum optics

Jianda Shao
Shanghai Inst of Optics and Fine Mech, CAS, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the laser coating technology, and research leadership

Jin-Wei Shi
National Central Univ, Taiwan
For contributions to ultrafast photodiodes and high-speed VCSELs for optics fiber communications

Dr. Craig W. Siders
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
For contributions to the research, application, and development of high intensity lasers in both basic and applied sciences

Guohai Situ
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
For outstanding contributions in deep-learning assisted computational imaging, optical encryption, and information processing

Handong SUN
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For outstanding contributions to the research of optoelectronics and photonics, particularly innovative application of materials and structures into microcavity lasers

Takamasa Suzuki
Niigata University, Japan
For outstanding contributions to the research and development of optical metrology, particularly the improvement of laser diode interferometry

Joseph Talghader
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
For advances in high optical power thin film physics and thermal infrared coating design

Jinghua Teng
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
For achievements and leadership in both use inspired basic research and technology translation to industry application in nano-optics and optoelectronics

Ventsislav K. Valev
University of Bath, UK
For pioneering contributions to nonlinear nanophotonics and new chiroptical effects

Alipasha Vaziri
The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
For pioneering innovations in large-scale optical imaging of brain network activity at high spatio-temporal resolution

Vijay Vusirikala
Google LLC, USA
For significant technical and business leadership in global datacenter and cloud optical networking infrastructures

Qiong-Hua Wang
Beihang University, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to glasses-free 3D display, liquid crystal display, and adaptive imaging

Yiping Wang
Shenzhen University, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of in-fiber micro/nano-structured devices for sensing applications

Gordon Wetzstein
Stanford University, USA
For pioneering contributions to computational optics and display systems engineering

Jan Wiersig
Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
For contributions to the fundamental understanding of light-matter actions in micro/nanostructures and the advancement of non-Hermitian effects in photonic systems

Kenneth Kin-Yip Wong
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For contributions in ultrafast imaging and photonic signal processing, and service to the optics community

Gerard Wysocki
Princeton University, USA
For the development of novel dispersion spectroscopic techniques, broadband semiconductor mid-infrared lasers and frequency comb sensors, and service to scientific community

Feihu Xu
University of Science and Technology of China, China
For seminal contributions to quantum communication and quantum-enhanced imaging, including secure quantum cryptography, large-scale quantum network and long-range single-photon imaging

Junjie Yao
Duke University, USA
For breaking the limits of photoacoustic imaging in resolution, speed, and functionality, and translating the technical innovations to theragnostic impacts

Wang Yao
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For pioneering contributions to valley optoelectronics and valley exciton physics in two dimensional semiconductors and moiré superlattices

Anna Yaroslavsky
Univ of Massachusetts Lowell and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of quantitative multimodal optical imaging and spectroscopy for cancer detection

Changyuan Yu
The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ, Hong Kong
For significant contributions to signal processing in optical fiber communication and sensing systems, and actively serving the optics community

Jingyi Yu
ShanghaiTech University, China
For fundamental advances in the design and application of computational imaging systems

Zhiliang Yuan
Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to R&D of ultra-secure quantum communication

Chao Zuo
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
For pioneering contributions to computational phase imaging and metrology, particularly for noninterferometic quantitative phase imaging and high-speed 3D optical metrology


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